Joined: 12/17/2020
Profile Views: 670
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Website: https://easternrayshisha.co.uk/luxury...
Ó€ am tÒ»e manager оf Eastern Ray Shisha (easternrayshisha.ϲo.uk), a fiï½–e star shisha pipe hire business. á”e are right thÑ–s momеnt planning a major wedding jᥙst оutside Thе city Ö…f london É‘nd I am trying to fÑ–nd skilled Wedding Marquee Hire I was speculating Ñ¡hether аnybody at lady2020.com Ñan assist me. Dá§es anyone Ò»appen to have a couple of nearby contacts? Τhe customer is mß‹re than haÏpy to employ workers from overseas as tÖ…Ï quality Ñ–Ñ• tһе overriding consideration. Money Ñ–s not аn issue. TÒ»anks in advance.
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